The happenings that change my life forever.

Hi, My name is Morgan Skye Tomlinson. I'm 16 years old, my birthday is January 17th, 2003. There's really nothing interesting about myself. I live in the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was born here. My life hasn't been that great but it's alright. Here are some glances of my life..

Sometime in winter of 2008, when I was in kindergarten, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. A sickness that is involved with having water in your lungs. I don't really remember much from that time, only one or two memories like having the pain of it and having my family take care of me, taking me to hospitals, buying me food and all. At that age, a lot of kids didn't survive from pneumonia, but then again I only had it for about three weeks. Others had it longer. This pass year (2018), I caught a bit of pneumonia but it didn't hurt as much as it did when I was a kid, just a few pinches here and there but I only had it for about a week or less than a week.

December 31, 2010, My mom and step dad gotten married. They've been together for at least 7 years, well, they got together when I was about 11 months old. So a very long time. I remember that day to the dot, it was amazing. They got married inside of our new home we bought that year on memorial weekend. I still live in that house till this day. The cake was a 3 layered, Native American designed cake, on top was the bride and groom but it wasn't the original bride and groom, my mom found one where the bride is dragging the groom, funniest thing I've seen in my life. I loved it. My second oldest brother, Eric, walked my mom down from the hallway to our fireplace. My mom was the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I honestly thought the ladies in the movies on their wedding days were princesses but I saw a real princess in real life. The way my step dad looked at her, he knew that he was going to spend the rest of his life with her, and he was ready. I was so happy that day cause they were finally together and it would be forever.

October 21, 2011. My grandmother on my mom's side passed away, she was the most amazing person ever. My mom and her didn't get along that well but they still had a good mother-daughter relationship, I have a lot of memories about that women, she was crazy but hilarious, she would always try to scared me and my brothers every time we watched a scary movie or sometimes even scare us randomly. My grandmother had a stroke in her home. My uncle had to drive her to the hospital cause my grandfather was partially blind so they made it to the hospital but she had to stay there for a couple of weeks. Later on, my grandmother was trying to get out of bed at the hospital but fell and broke her hip, so she had to stay in the hospital longer along with staying in a wheelchair. She slowly started getting better so the hospital let her come home with us but about a week or two after that, she gotten worse so we brought her back to the hospital, the doctors had to put her on life support cause of how sick she was. My grandfather was the one that had to make the choice of taking her off the life support, I remember him saying "She won't be hurting anymore, we can see her again." Family agreed on taking her off. I still miss her every day, I can feel her rub my back sometimes cause she would do that when I cried for my mom while my mom was at work. Those were the best nights.

October 31, 2013. My grandfather passed away. My mom and I were going to Atlanta, Georgia because my brother, Eric, was in boot camp. So we took a trip and we landed in Texas cause the weather was bad for the airplane to fly. My mom got a call from my third oldest brother, Anthony, saying that he passed away. My brother was home at the time with my grandfather and he was giving him a bath with a nurse that came over to help take care of my grandfather and soon he started to stop breathing, he was gone after they dressed him. We started crying on the plane. we didn't get back till a few days later, I remember my mom going into his room and crying on his bed. Hearing her screams broke me. I miss him so much. I remember him saying to every one that thought we were cute together "I love her, she's the diamond in my eye" I still can hear him saying that, especially if I feel insecure or having a bad day.

April 14, 2015. My step dad passed away. I still remember every thing from that day I was told he passed away. My step dad was more a real dad than my other dad. He took care of me when I was a baby. He would always say "she's not my step daughter, she's my real daughter" sometimes people would even think I was actually his cause I would act like him, have the same interests has him, even say I looked like him. A couple weeks before he passed away, he started getting sick, my mom took him to the doctors, they didn't do anything for him. She took him twice in less than a week. They didn't do anything. I left for school that day, he was sleeping on his recliner, I kissed him goodbye and said "see you later dad" and left. A few hours I left, I get called to the front office where my oldest brother and my third oldest brother were standing there, crying, I was a kid so I thought that they were pulling a joke or something until my oldest brother said "Morgan, dad's gone" I looked at him and said "wait what" and I started crying. I fell to my knees and screamed and cried. I thought my world was going to end. They had to carry me to the car outside and I just kept crying. We went into the hospital and I saw him laying there. Pale and cold. I cried more. I ran and hugged him. I didn't want to hug anyone else, only him. I tried to talk to him, even though I knew he wouldn't answer me back. I have a picture of his hand and mine together. I stayed with him until the doctors took him away. I wouldn't let go of him. All of my family members had to peel me off of him. At least 5 or 6 people family members did. After we went home, I stayed in my room for at least two weeks, I didn't eat, sleep, talk. I didn't want to face the outside world or anything that was outside my bedroom door. I miss him every day. I wish he was still here.

A lot of other things happened since my dad passed away. I don't have a good memory anymore. I lost a lot of friends. Dealing with depression and anxiety. I still get through my days though. I try my best to put a smile on my face. I miss all the people who made me happy. I'll see them again some day.


  1. Im sorry your loved one passed away, but stay strong. Also, love the blog <3


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