How to introduce your cat to your new dog/puppy :)

Today, I will be giving you advice/tips on introducing your cat to the new puppy/dog

Start with separations 

 Cats are very territorial meaning they are very protective of their items and grounding. While in the other hand, puppies are very curious about what's what, they'll sniff around, playing with things even when their not meant for playing, etc. Keep their items separated, keep them in the cats or dogs room, Cat stuff with the cat, the puppy stuff with the puppy. Next, put them in each others room, cat into the puppy's room, the puppy into the cat's room, let them sniff around the room to get that familiar smell of a new animal in the presents, keep doing that until you decide if they should meet each other.

Introducing them to each other

After they both have the smell of each other, place your cat in a safe and have lots of space area. Let your puppy explore their new homes so they can "run into" the cat but keep them on a "inside house" leash to keep the puppy from doing any damage and it'll help them understand that aggressive behavior is a bad thing. Keep a look out of how the puppy and cat interact with each other. It'll confine the two with the familiar smell they smelled in the room. 

Living with each other

You have to understand also that cats love being alone and unbothered, but puppies/dogs aren't. They love to interact with people, animals and love to get into things. You might have to put them in cages before you leave your house so they won't cause any damage while your gone, only cause they might have not gotten use to each other that very well. All this may sound unbelievable but it can happen. Hope this works for you and your family :)


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