My best friend has it...

Image result for acute lymphoblastic leukemiaMy best friend Chris and I have been friends since we were about 3 y/o. We're 17 years old now. Chris hasn't been well for a while, he's been getting a lot of nose bleeds but we always think his body over heats but when we're in a normal temperature room, he all of a sudden gets a headache and his nose starts to bleed, also been losing a lot of weight even though he isn't doing anything. He is eating, he's not doing sports or anything. I took him to the doctor to see if anything is wrong. The doctors checked his vitals, he had a fever going over 102. Checked the arms and legs, bruises and red dots are all over them. Checked where the lymph nodes were, swollen. The doctor signed in distressed. The doctor pulled me into another room and started explaining what Chris had. Stage 1 Leukemia Cancer. Cancer within the blood. I was ready to shed some tears.

My best friend of nearly 15 years, has cancer. I walked into the room that Chris was in and looked at him with tears. He knew what was wrong so he asked, "everything ok?" I was about to tell him that he has Leukemia. "Chris, you have Leukemia Cancer" the shock on his face was fear and distress. "I have Cancer?" "Yes" Chris sat up and started thinking, putting his hands through his hair, slouching a bit, I put my head down, next thing I hear the tray full of tools fly across the room, hearing him cry in pain and in fear. I hug him as tight as I can but he cries even more because of the bruises all over his body. We drive to his house, finding the will to tell his family why he went to the doctors, telling them what the results were, telling them what could happen to him.

 His parents needed to find treatments for him before it could get any worse. There was many treatments to recommended for different types of Leukemia Cancer. Chris had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Cancer. Since the cancer is in the first phase, he'd most likely need to restore the normal blood cells and kill the white blood cells which is Chemotherapy. He may even need some therapy for any body parts that hurt him like the spine. I know he'd get better. Since the cancer hasn't effected all of his body, the treatments should take affect on him right away.


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