We need to fight back

"We the people are greater than fear" 

President Donald Trump signed an order named "Executive Order 13769" which is banning any Muslim from coming and going to the following Countries ~ Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Trump signed this order cause of the threats from those countries.

I think Trump is overreacting because not all Muslim's are trying to terrorize our country, they come to our country to be happy and be in calm place where they can be free to do anything without having a gun to their faces or having to be tortured by hatred men. They want to have freedom, they want to have peace, they want to be treated like a human but Trump is being very very disrespectful towards them because of what OTHER terrible terrorists have done in the past. It's not the innocent people whose making the calls, it's not the innocent people whose making the bombings, it's not the innocent people whose making the threats. "This ban despite its premise has no basis in ensuring the safety of the nation as no foreign nationals of any of these countries have perpetrated any acts of terror on US soil." (Muslim American Society (MAS))Sure some may help the enemy but only because they either have no choice, they are actually supporting the enemy or the enemy puts theories into their heads, thinking we want to kill them, thinking we hate them, but really, it's the leaders. Why can't the people speak they're minds. The war is like two parents arguing, the more we argue and fight, the more you hurt the child. Same thing for our countries, the more you fight over something idiotic, the more citizens die or gets severely hurt.

The leaders wants to protect our countries? They need to look in their own backyard and see what hurt they are causing to THEIR citizens, to THEIR cities, to THEIR countries. They say they know what's best for us but we truly know what's best for us. Trump did the most ignorant thing ever by signing the order. Not all Muslims wants to cause harm towards us, they want to be friends with us, they want to have peace, they don't want to be judged. They don't want to be hurting anymore. They just want to free. "The immigrants and refugees who come to this nation deserve our welcome and support. An order that tears apart families, detains and imprisons innocents, and needlessly causes suffering for those seeking refuge and opportunity is cruel and evil." (https://thoughtbot.com/blog/reaction-to-executive-order-13769)

 The people should be fighting back, fighting to get their freedom back. You should be able to do the most simplest thing without getting in trouble, without having a gun towards your face, without having a beat down on you. Without any harm caused to you. You shouldn't need to be scared of stepping out your front door while hearing bombs exploding or hearing gunshots being fired.


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