
Showing posts from January, 2019

April 20, 1999. A day that scarred the world.

April 20, 1999. Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado. This day wasn't a normal, sun, shiny day. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold scarred every student's and teacher's lives for good. Teenagers Eric Harris (18) and Dylan Klebold (17) started the shooting spree at 11:19am, murdering students who were standing outside of Columbine High School then started moving their way into the school, starting in the library where most of their victims were shot and murdered. Both shooters arrived into the cafeteria with duffel bags full of 20-pound propane bombs set two minutes before the massacre but the bombing didn't happen cause the bombs failed to detonate. About 20 minutes later, Harris and Klebold had already murdered 12 students and a teacher along with wounding more than 20 other people. Minutes before SWAT team and police coming into the doors of the school, Harris and Klebold both turned the guns onto themselves. Later, Police learned that Harris and Klebold arrived

"Teenagers don't know real world problems"

The topic I chose was Teenager/ Generation  Z member. "Teenager/ Generation Z" is about how teenagers are nowadays and what the problems of being a teenager are. This topic can have so many people who used to be teenagers can relate to the problems teenagers have for instance: relationship problems, family problems, mental disorders like depression, anxiety, school problems, etc. Us teenagers, can handle so much. Sometimes we find ways to get out of trouble, ways to survive the real world. There's teenagers who has the right way to live and can survive like nothing can ever happen to them. Others... sometimes can't make it to the finish line. Parents think that if your young, you'll always have a break through but they don't understand the struggles of trying to succeed or even trying to stay alive in the world. Being a teenager sucks to be honest. You have to make everyone proud because say something bad about you or they suspect you to be something bet

The happenings that change my life forever.

Hi, My name is Morgan Skye Tomlinson. I'm 16 years old, my birthday is January 17th, 2003. There's really nothing interesting about myself. I live in the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was born here. My life hasn't been that great but it's alright. Here are some glances of my life.. Sometime in winter of 2008, when I was in kindergarten, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. A sickness that is involved with having water in your lungs. I don't really remember much from that time, only one or two memories like having the pain of it and having my family take care of me, taking me to hospitals, buying me food and all. At that age, a lot of kids didn't survive from pneumonia, but then again I only had it for about three weeks. Others had it longer. This pass year (2018), I caught a bit of pneumonia but it didn't hurt as much as it did when I was a kid, just a few pinches here and there but I only had it for about a week or less than a week. December 31, 2010, M