
Showing posts from March, 2019

My best friend has it...

My best friend Chris and I have been friends since we were about 3 y/o. We're 17 years old now. Chris hasn't been well for a while, he's been getting a lot of nose bleeds but we always think his body over heats but when we're in a normal temperature room, he all of a sudden gets a headache and his nose starts to bleed, also been losing a lot of weight even though he isn't doing anything. He is eating, he's not doing sports or anything. I took him to the doctor to see if anything is wrong. The doctors checked his vitals, he had a fever going over 102. Checked the arms and legs, bruises and red dots are all over them. Checked where the lymph nodes were, swollen. The doctor signed in distressed. The doctor pulled me into another room and started explaining what Chris had. Stage 1 Leukemia Cancer. Cancer within the blood. I was ready to shed some tears. My best friend of nearly 15 years, has cancer. I walked into the room that Chris was in and looked at him with t

Either Or

1 ~ I would rather pick the day I die because I could do almost everything I've always wanted to do for the time I live knowing I have longer than what fate has given me 2 ~ I would rather have a university named after me because I would want many students have their education along with having a good career.  3 ~ I would rather have free wifi everywhere I go because I wouldn't be bored nor have any complications on my phone cause some phones have complications with games sometimes.  4 ~ I would rather resolve my biggest regret because i lost a lot people from this regret and they were the people that made me happy the most. Ever since that day, I haven't really been myself. 5 ~ I would rather have my own private island because I would have my privacy, invite people who I want to come with me to the island, not be bothered by the real world. 6 ~ I would rather read minds because I always what people think of me for some reason or think what goes on in peoples hea

Consequences for our students

Dear Administrators, I would like for the school to change the suspension dates and consequences for the trouble student(s), for the student who started the fight, caught doing illegal stuff in the school areas, or just something bad to the point of suspension, should get at least of week of detention because if the student misses 9 full days of school, they might fail to get to graduation. They might of not even started the fight in the first, they might of tried to stand their ground so things got out of hand. For the other student who was trying to stand their ground should get lunch detention but for at least 3 days. If they get caught doing illegal things in school areas, two or three days of suspension should be enough because those items they are doing is illegal most of the time. Like I've said they would miss school, they would miss a lot of learning too if the school gives them almost 2 weeks of absence. The teachers and administrators complain about the student faili

The Sword of Armageddon: The New Kid series

I like the first chapter because it talks about hell, heaven, demons, hunters and witchcraft like and even about love. I don't know about you but I love reading books about fiction books along with romance books, but when they're both in the same story, it's amazing for me. I didn't have any dislikes about it, it's pretty interesting so far. I want to keep reading because it talks about how a demon and a demon hunter named Will, his girlfriend comes a demon herself so they would be together forever but Will's sister poisons Will so he's dying while being tormented by his demon girlfriend. I would recommend this book to people are interested in these type of books because so far, it seems like a wild story to read. I would tell the author that I really like their book so far and recommend to have the book become more dramatic and heart racing but besides that. It's a really cool book.

Days in Greece

For Spring Break, I'll be going to Greece on my own, I'll be arriving Friday Morning and leave Sunday night. So for a few days on this beautiful trip. Friday Morning 9:00 ~ Leave the United States 12:00am ~ Arrives in Greece 8:00am ~ Have breakfast at Cafe Melina in Athens 10:00am ~ Visit Acropolis Museum 1:00pm ~ Take a tour through Parthenon 4:00pm ~ Tour Zeus Cave and Lassithi Plateau 8:00pm ~ Have dinner at Lithos 10:00pm ~ Walk through Athens City 11:00pm ~ Go to bed Saturday Afternoon 12:00pm ~ Have lunch at Montakioy in Athens 2:00pm ~ Go on the Mythological ancient cites tour 5:00pm ~ Sunset Cruise 8:00pm ~ Dinner in the Sky 11:00pm ~ Go to Bed Sunday Morning 8:00am ~ Eat breakfast at Cafe Melina in Athens 10:00am ~ Go on Coastal Bike Tour 12:00am ~ Visit Herod Atticus Odeon in Athens 3:00pm ~ Visit the Church of Apostle Philippe 6:00pm ~ Watch a show at Herod Atticus Odeon 10:00pm ~ Walk through the city back to the hotel

How to introduce your cat to your new dog/puppy :)

Today, I will be giving you advice/tips on introducing your cat to the new puppy/dog Start with separations   Cats are very territorial meaning they are very protective of their items and grounding. While in the other hand, puppies are very curious about what's what, they'll sniff around, playing with things even when their not meant for playing, etc. Keep their items separated, keep them in the cats or dogs room, Cat stuff with the cat, the puppy stuff with the puppy. Next, put them in each others room, cat into the puppy's room, the puppy into the cat's room, let them sniff around the room to get that familiar smell of a new animal in the presents, keep doing that until you decide if they should meet each other. Introducing them to each other After they both have the smell of each other, place your cat in a safe and have lots of space area. Let your puppy explore their new homes so they can "run into" the cat but keep them on a "inside