
Showing posts from April, 2019

For the Kids


Wild Card 2.... Pizza Nightmare

Have you heard of the pizza girl?  Who is she? Well have you heard of IT? The dancing clown that kills kids? But from Italy? Weird, I know. Crazy right? She's dangerous. She'd kill you with a pizza  cutter.  I'm Sally, she killed me a long time ago. I was walking home from school one day and she opened the sewer and popped out with her pizza cutter, then *SLASH SLASH* My arms and legs are cut off!! I'm stuck here now, what ever you do, don't go near the sewers... hungry... she'll get you alright. Don't believe?!? Just wait until she runs after you with pepperonis... most deadliest weapon she could have. Whatever you do, don't say yes to the girl with a pizza... even if your hungry... even if you think she's nice.  DON'T SAY YES TO HER. I have to leave now... she will know who has been warning her targets, if she finds out... all hell breaks loose. DON'T SAY YES! (I have no idea what I just typed, it's suppos

Wild Card

I think the blog I believe a good blog would be explaining how you feel or explaining your problems and seeking advice, like venting. You get to make new friends, solve your problems, and get nice advice, you may even wanted to help other people too. It would be like peer review, you get a paper from someone with a name on it, write the advice you have given to the person they were assigned to, then turn it and that person would be able to read them.


My freshman year was really interesting and wild to be honest . A lot of my friends were crazy and stupid and so was I. We played truth or dare, we ditched some classes together, went around the neighborhood , made new friends, just all kinds of stuff. I miss my freshman year, it was a lot more fun than my sophomore year. It was less depressing and less drama. Unlike this year, its the opposite. I met new friends such as my friends Angel, Isaiah, Gabe and others . They all left me sadly and some stopped talking to me. I'm also glad that year was done and over with cause I hated my classes and hated so many people last year, it was ridicules but I got over them . Every time me and my friends would ditch a class, we'd always do stupid stuff like going to Wallgreens, getting food, jumping over a fence once a while, even smoked weed for God's sake , it was way more fun but now I don't ditch anymore but I also don't have anyone to ditch with, just kidding. But I

Let's have some fun


Rest In Peace Little Ones

This story made me feel different emotions such as madness, sad, and confused. It reminded me of the one family where they kept they're daughters in one room, with no new clothes, no food, no water, etc. That article really made me mad, in my opinion, I say if your going to torture or kill your children then why would you have any? Why would you have a child if your going to kill them or torture them. The children shouldn't have any experience with hurt or pain from their own parents, adopted or not, they should be treated with love, care, honesty, etc. Anything you'd want to get back. The mothers of these six children were wrong to kill the children with a "drunk driving accident" even though it was their idea to kill them, why would they want to kill innocent kids who wanted a home, who wanted a family, who wanted something they didn't have before. They should have left the child with RESPONSIBLE parents and not murderers.

We need to fight back

"We the people are greater than fear"  President Donald Trump signed an order named "Executive Order 13769" which is banning any Muslim from coming and going to the following Countries ~ Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. Trump signed this order cause of the threats from those countries. I think Trump is overreacting because not all Muslim's are trying to terrorize our country, they come to our country to be happy and be in calm place where they can be free to do anything without having a gun to their faces or having to be tortured by hatred men. They want to have freedom, they want to have peace, they want to be treated like a human but Trump is being very very disrespectful towards them because of what OTHER terrible terrorists have done in the past. It's not the innocent people whose making the calls, it's not the innocent people whose making the bombings, it's not the innocent people whose making the threats. " T his ban desp

Me, Myself, and I

M is for Marvelous, I'm kind to everyone O is for Organized, I keep things in order R is for Rose, I'm more beautiful as I unfold G is for Gleeful, my emotions spreads through out people A is for Adventurous, I'd discover new things N is for Noble, I have a honorable heart


The name is Willow, I'm 17 years old. I have Mono-phobia, the fear of being completely alone. I developed this fear by being left alone all the time, I have family but they don't care about how I feel, they don't care about what I do, etc. I can't talk to them about anything to be honest. I try to talk to them but they always leave me somewhere. To be alone. I have friends but they don't know how I feel, they don't know how it is being me, they say they do but they truly don't, they always talk about themselves when I say I'm alone but they always have people to talk to. They always have that someone by their sides. Helping them. I have no one. I try to be friends with as much people as I can so I won't be alone but they always leave. I hate this feeling. I hate being alone. I wake up from my thoughts as I hear the bell from my school, end of the day, yay. I get up from my desk and walk out the school with my bag on my shoulder, thinking how I can

Again, and again, and again

The streaming sites I have access are YouTube, and regular TV. I would be re-watching Jane the Virgin because I love the TV show and love the scenery. I like how the characters are really dramatic especially what had happened to Rafael, Michael, and Jane. Jane was injected with Rafael's sperm on accident instead of being checked for something privately but becomes pregnant when she never had any sexual interactions with no man. I don't exactly care for when they change from story to story, meaning having a different scene but the same characters. I would improve on the life lessons or have more of life experiences instead of miracles happening and I believe that'll be all. I recommend this to people who understand how life works, people who understand what they'll might go through in life, not meaning to get pregnant by a stranger on accident but dealing with the pros and cons of family and life. Jane the Virgin teaches you that you can do anything you can for famil